Friday, May 3, 2013

God is NEVER Wrong...

There are two subjects that are happening in the world today that is wreaking havoc on society. These two things are clearly defined in God's Holy Word as sin. These topics are splitting families, churches and relationships, even some relationships with the Father. Both topics have been debated throughout time and although sides have been taken...they are still sinful acts that grieve the Holy Spirit and hurt our loving and caring heavenly Father.
However, regardless of what we believe, the bottom line is this...God will not be mocked and disobedience will be punished! These 'societal' issues are no greater sin than any sin committed by anyone. In God's eyes sin is sin and must be punished. However the two following topics seem to be at the forefront of life and we are inundated daily by its presence.
As I post this today, I felt that I needed to get this 'off my chest' and 'vent' because I am really tired of the attacks that Christians...true believers, not the ones who wear a label, are experiencing for sharing the truth of God's Word. I am also quite tired of the way non-believers take the Word of God and twist it to their liking as they defend the sinful lifestyles that they have chosen.
If you know me, you know where I am going with this. If you don't know me very well, then after reading this you will know me a little better.
The two topics I speak of is abortion rights and homosexual rights. First of all, these are not rights...they are sin!
Let's begin with abortion shall we...abortion (my definition) is the murder of the unborn child, legalized, to justify the immoral and irresponsible lifestyles of immature adults and now, in some cases, children.
The sanctity of life is being trampled upon. The Word of God ignored, and law is written to protect those who murder innocent, defenseless babies still in the mother's womb. What is even more barbaric is some of these babies are being murdered after being partially born. This method allows the 'doctor' to take a pair of scissors and thrust them into the base of the skull and then taking a hose and extracting the brain of the child. Another method is the severing of the spinal cord. All of this in the 'name of women's rights' question is this: what about the babies rights! Who is there to protect them and who gives the woman the 'right' to authorize this atrocity? As a believer in the Lord Jesus, I call all brothers and sisters in the Lord to pray that this 'law'...Roe V. overturned and babies given their rights as human beings. Furthermore, anyone caught performing these acts of barbarism, be punished as the murdering criminals they are and either given life in prison without the chance of parole OR the death penalty. All should be held accountable!

My second topic and one that has really been in the public eye lately...glorified homosexuality or 'gay rights'. God calls homosexuality an abomination, detestable and He hates it as He does ALL sin. However, in this case, homosexual acts are acts committed against the body. In God's infinite wisdom, sex is something beautiful and designed for a man and a woman in the fidelity of marriage. Marriage is Biblically defined as between one man and one woman...PERIOD! There is absolutely NO ROOM for DEBATE regarding this subject. Sexual immorality can be overcome if God's discipline is practiced and His word followed and obeyed.
Homosexuality is a sinful act and will be punished at the judgment. Recently, there has been a professional basketball player to 'come out' announcing he is 'gay'...another beautiful word destroyed and taken out of context...also a renown female basketball player who recently was drafted into the WNBA. Their choice is their own, however, their choice is sinful and will be judged by almighty God. These two have been glorified by the mainstream media and a society who is blinded by evil.  Theirs is a bold act and they have been commended for their 'bravery' and everyone should just accept and move on. I am sorry, but I cannot accept something that my Lord hates as something 'good'. I cannot stand by and watch as those who are believers take a BOLD STAND and voice what God says about this are BLASTED by those who condone this type of sin. The Bible tells, actually warns us, that 'evil will be perceived as good and good as evil' and those of us who stand for the good will be persecuted for our belief in God's Word.
In closing I want to share this...and if you are a homosexual who happens to read this...I DO NOT APOLOGIZE...unless you repent and trust Jesus Christ as your Savior and make Him the Lord of your life, you will stand before almighty God at the Great White Throne Judgment, be condemned and cast into the 'Lake of Fire' which in case you are wondering is HELL. If you profess to be a Christian and practice this sinful lifestyle...don't be fooled by cannot willfully practice this sinful lifestyle and expect to spend eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven...God's Word just does not support that.
Remember...Christianity is not something you add to your life - It is LIFE!

Have a great day in the Lord Jesus! Love to all, Rob <><

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